JRC Book Club

JRC Book Club

A book club? Yes! Calling all the book lovers and readers! Have you ever wanted to join a book club? Do you love book clubs? This book club, as a part of this coaching space, is a way to bring you together with others through books on similarly needed topics. Joining a book club can…



New to neurodiversity? What is it? What does it mean?  Is this new word a part of your story and you aren’t sure what that means yet or where to get support? Are you wondering if neurodiversity impacts you, your marriage or your family? What is neurodiversity? Very simply, from the Cleveland Clinic, “The term…


10 Life Changing Phrases

Looking for real, lasting, life changing methods and solutions? Are you looking for things that will drastically impact your daily life? For me, this happens when I’m reading the Bible and a certain phrase stands out from the rest. {read to the bottom for a free printable list!} A verse that jabs my heart and…

JRC Favorite Things

JRC Favorite Things

After a season of ignoring my favorite things, my counselor encouraged and asked me to greatly consider doing my favorite things. Fun things. Crazy things. My own things. Interesting things. My mentor coach, in another way of encouraging growth, told me to stop hesitating and just jump out there and do the things! Stop overthinking,…