book list

Your Next Book List for Healing

Building a new book list can be somewhat challenging, depending on where you are and what your current journey looks like right now.

What to read? Is it good? Will it really have an impact?

After coming out of a long, very difficult season, gaining back the ability to read, absorb new information, and enjoy a good book has been such a blessing. Even making a new book list was a fun experience again.

Asking for help, putting myself on a healing journey, and choosing to learn as much as I could about the who, what, when, where, and why of what’s been hurting me and causing harm in my life.

“Wise trust requires us to take an honest look at reality.” – Lysa Terkeurst

I had to take a very real and honest look at what was happening around me and make decisions, with the help of counselors and professionals and doctors, that would bring the changes that would begin the process of healing for my body, soul, mind, and strength.

I had to step out in faith, with wise trust in a God who deeply knows and loves me, and allow Him to shine his light on truth.

I had to believe what He was showing me in His word and through godly counsel.

I had to take an honest look at the people and actions around me and believe them.

I had to struggle and work through this quote from Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Through many of the books on this book list, I was learning how to trust myself, lay the data out in front of me, believe what I was seeing, and make decisions based on what was true, real, and honest.

As I learned more, I could no longer sit in what Leslie Vernick calls misplaced hope or, as my clients and I call it, hope-ium. I had to take steps forward based on facts and truth.

I had to choose God’s way over all else. I had to trust that He would have the final say, the final word because He knew the whole story.

He knew it all. In his infinite wisdom, he provided a path forward. He made a way, in his Word, for me.

So, if you’re on this journey too, what books should you read? What books are helpful to this waking up process?

Books for the Healing Journey

More Books for the Healing Journey

A NEW Book list for healing

1} I Want to Trust You, But I Don’t by Lysa Terkeurst – she makes all of my lists. I’m so thankful for her story, her willingness to share it, and her unwavering commitment to theology, therapy, healing, and her faith in God through it all. I think that title says it all. Read this with Trust by Henry Cloud.

2} Rising Strong by Brene Brown – I can’t say it better than the book description, “Walking into our stories of hurt can feel dangerous. But the process of regaining our footing in the midst of struggle is where our courage is tested and our values are forged. Our stories of struggle can be big ones, like the loss of a job or the end of a relationship, or smaller ones, like a conflict with a friend or colleague. Regardless of magnitude or circumstance, the rising strong process is the same: We reckon with our emotions and get curious about what we’re feeling; we rumble with our stories until we get to a place of truth; and we live this process, every day, until it becomes a practice and creates nothing short of a revolution in our lives. Rising strong after a fall is how we cultivate wholeheartedness. It’s the process, Brown writes, that teaches us the most about who we are.”

3} Necessary Endings by Henry Cloud – Whether personal or professional, this book is very healthy as you consider what needs to end in your life. And, what God has to say about endings.

4} Out of the Fog by Dana Morningstar – This is on my TBR pile right now!

book list

5} How to Live Right When Your Life Goes Wrong by Leslie Vernick – I recommend every one of her books for difficult and destructive relationships.

6} The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins – Everyone is talking about this book! I am so thankful for the freedom in just these two words: Let them.

The Let Them Theory will forever change the way you think about relationships, control, and personal power. Whether you want to advance your career, motivate others to change, take creative risks, find deeper connections, build better habits, start a new chapter, or simply create more happiness in your life and relationships, this book gives you the mindset and tools to unlock your full potential.”

7} She Deserves Better by Sheila Gregoire – This book is so good for girl moms. It’s pages are all about “raising a strong, independent young woman who knows who she is, uses her voice, and confidently steps into the life God has for her.” Also, if you haven’t read her other book, you want to read that one too.

8} Uniquely Us by Dr. Stephanie Holmes – Uniquely Us is designed to educate clergy, coaches, chaplains, and counselors on the nuances and complexities of working with NeuroDiverse Christian Couples. This is a must read for anyone working with couples or neurodiversity in marriage.

9} In Sickness and in Health by Dr. David Hawkins – If you’re curious about the impact of emotional, verbal, narcissistic abuse on a spouse, this is the book to read. The impact is deep and carries physical significance.

“If your emotional pain feels physical and your physical pain feels emotional, your marriage may be making you sick—literally. Join Dr. David Hawkins and his sons, an internist and a surgeon, as they explore the effects relational stress and trauma can have on our bodies.”

10} The Gift of Limitations by Sara Hagerty – What if your greatest weaknesses are your doorway to rich intimacy with God? What if your limitations are, in fact, your greatest gift? Read this one with The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer.

All of these books were incredibly helpful and I recommend them often in coaching. You can find more that I’m reading on Goodreads. So many are good for your book list.

Get reading! Grab a journal or buy yourself a new one.

Get a good Bible that you can write in. I love this one.

Also, share in the comments what is on your current book list!

Let God take you on a journey, in whatever area He is speaking to you today.

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