Healthy Daily Life Things
There are some healthy daily life things that you should always have on hand.
Things that make life healthier, happier, cozier, and a bit more doable.
I wrote about some of my new favorite things in a post last year. This year, I want to continue the list with a few practical, healthy, daily life things to add into your day.
These are things that I often recommend in coaching and also things that I try to add into my day.
Simple, healthy habits to make the day run well.
Daily life practices that build resilience, calm the nervous system, nourish your soul, keep your body healthy, and your mind calm.
Some are just for fun, some are just healthy, daily items and practices to enjoy.
More JRC Favorite Things
1} Slippers – I love slippers. I have many pairs of all different kinds. Sharing this one because it’s light, easy, washable, and cute!
2} Sound Machine – My sister recommended this one and I love it!
3} Electric Tea Kettle – After living in other countries where this is a must have, I now also must have one on my counter and in my office. Quick, easy hot water! You can also splurge on one that has presets for different water temps depending on the tea or coffee you are making.
4} Heated Blanket – Heat is healing in so many amazing, cozy ways. Grab a heated throw blanket or heating pad to help and heal.
5} Ice – Treating pain or tension with ice is an amazing feeling. Try this soft ice pack on your neck or back. Or, try these little guys on your eyes or temples. So good.
Here is a great guide for choosing heat or ice, depending on your day or situation.
6} Weighted Blankets – Try a 10 or 15lb blanket while you sleep or when you’re feeling anxious during the day. This has been a helpful addition for me over the past year!
7} Water Bottle – If you’re trying to get more water in, skip the plastic. Grab a water bottle – I love this one with the straw lid – and see if you can empty it twice in a day. And just for fun, get yourself some motivational stickers to put on it!
8} Paper Calendar – For me, there is something calming about having a paper calendar. I still fully use my digital calendars but on paper, I can make notes, add reminders, to do lists… it’s just another way to organize and bring some calm to the day. If you have the space and want something big to see each day, this one is great with markers and sticky notes! It works as a visual for goals and tracking new habits.
9} Lower Daily Toxins – I am a huge Dr. Bronner’s fan. For soap, cleaning, lotion, chapstick… I’ve loved each product that I’ve tried! I also love the home collection products from Modere for cleaner, healthier options. Another great way to lower toxins is with this water filter. I was shocked when I saw the TDS reading of our tap water!
10} Supplements – Find a local nutrition practitioner and find out what supplements your body actually needs. Only buy what you really have to and then, build the habits of taking them daily. I use this to keep my supplements planned out for the week. I also still love liquid collagen and trebiotics from Modere. I take them both every single day. I have friends and family who are seeing true, real results in less aches, improved joint mobility, and better gut health by taking these two things.
11} Journaling – This is a daily practice that is going to bring health in so many ways. I recommend it in every coaching session. Brain dump, habit tracking, emotion discovery, lists, thoughts… a journal can help with all of it, increasing awareness, creating brain capacity, and organizing what seems like a crazy mess inside your head. You can use a basic notebook or get fancy with a bullet journal or book. Gratitude, thankfulness, mindfulness, faith, and health can all be impacted by 10 minutes a day of journaling!
12} Calming Activities – A few minutes of coloring with music playing or do a puzzle with your favorite movie playing in the background. Sit outside with a cup of tea. Go for a slow walk. Do something slow and easy and calming.
13} Read – Whether you use a kindle {I have this one} or Audible or your local library or collect books for your home, reading 20-30 minutes a day can change your brain and lower stress.
Books for Healing – see what’s on my list!
14} Bible Study – Start something like The Bible Recap. Get a journaling Bible {I LOVE this one}. Choose a daily devotional or deeper study. Daily faith practices like prayer, Bible reading, music, and meditation on the things of God can greatly improve, restore, comfort, change, and bring health to your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
15} Get a puppy – Adding this one because I actually just got a puppy. He’s adorable. He’s added a lot of work to my daily life. He’s getting me up, walking, moving, cleaning, training, learning, and laughing at all the puppy antics. They say it’s good for your mental health. I think they’re right. This is Brisket, a merle standard poodle, aka Prince.
16} Massage – If you can do it, getting a massage, even a short one, can really help with muscle pain, stress, tension, headaches, and letting your body relax. Another option is getting a massage gun. This is on my to buy list!
17} Naps – Take a nap. Just give yourself permission. Tell everyone you’re on break and go take a nap.
18} Plants – I am really not a plant person nor do I have a true green thumb. But I have loved letting myself play around with succulents, air plants, and a few random green things that are actually growing. Give it a try. It’s been an integral part of my healing journey. Get some cute pots and a plant stand to hold them. Go for it.
19} Counseling, Coaching, Spiritual Direction – Start building your support team to help you in the process of healing. Their support in your daily life can be a beautiful part of your journey.
20} Encourage Yourself – You can do this. You’re building resilience one small thing at a time.
Not a single thing that I’ve listed is new, revolutionary, or profound. But we so often forget the simple things that might bring joy, continue healing, and inspire growth.
Maybe it’s time to add something in to your daily life.
Which one do you need to start practicing today?
What is something you might add to the list?