encouraging yourself

10 Simple Tips for Daily Bible Study

Daily Bible study is a great goal for all of us.

Taking the time, every single day, to spend time in the Word, time with Jesus is vital for our days, decisions, and spiritual growth.

Yet, finding the time, the best method, the right version, the prettiest journaling Bible or perfect pens can make actually sitting down to invest in a daily Bible Reading plan a challenge.

It’s essential to simplify devotional time and take the time even if life is busy.

It might mean getting creative and finding ways to get more from daily Bible study.

Remember, sometimes devotions can be messy and quite often, it can be really difficult to carve out time in the day to spend with God.

Which means if I get that time, I want it to be everything it can be. I want to get out of God’s Word ALL that He has planned for me that day.

Spending time doing devotions, having quiet time… what does that mean?

By definition it means profound devotion or religious observance, an earnest attachment to a cause.

Think about those definitions.

It doesn’t say “one hour spent with coffee and your Bible” or “two hours spent on your knees at your bedside” or “45 minutes spent in a Beth Moore Bible study.”

And, although each of those things are fabulous and when I have time to do them, I am so thankful for the precious devotional time, that isn’t the only way to have devotions.

If we have our definition mixed up then “doing devotions” can seem completely overwhelming when life gets full and busy.

When things are busy and crazy and life seems unending, it can be really hard to muster up the extra time for a misconstrued definition of devotions.

If we simplify the definition and remember what the word really means, it makes daily Bible study much more doable and much less overwhelming.

10 Simple Tips for Daily Bible Study

Finding Ways to Get MORE:

1} Pray. Before you read, ask God to teach you through His word. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you focus and speak specifically.

2} Underline. If something stands out, underline it! Rewrite the verse or phrase in a journal and think about it throughout the day.

3} Summarize. Rewrite what you read in a journal and put scripture in your own words.

4} Share. Ask God to direct you to something that you can share with someone else.

5} Praise. Give God praise during your reading for things He has done or promised in His word.

6} Decide. When you find something in God’s word that means change in your life, decide on a plan of action right away.

daily bible study

7} Read Aloud. Involve the sense of hearing. Put emphasis on important words. Or, use a Bible reading app to read out load for you while you work or fold clothes.

8} Use the text. Pray what you read! Pray for family, situations, unsaved loved ones… use God’s Word as you pray to Him!

9} Focus. Take a break from reading large portions at a time and try focusing on one or two verses.

10} Return. When something stands out to you from God’s word, write down the reference and go back to it the next day. Allow God to do His work in your life by returning to scripture that means something to you in that moment.

I wanted to share these things with you because I’m using them to fall more in love with God’s Word!

Each method is precious and valuable when it pertains to digging into God’s Word and getting more from what we read in our daily Bible study.

A great resource: Wednesday in the Word blog and podcast

“Although a Bible reading program can be a great tool, it’s more important that we take something away from your time in the Word than it is to stick to an artificial schedule. By varying the ways you approach the Scripture, you can learn and grow more in your walk with the Lord. After all, isn’t that why you read the Bible?” – L. K. Clark

In my own words… It isn’t how long you spend in the word that is important, it is making sure you use God’s Word as a tool for growth and getting to know God more, making sure that daily Bible study is a key part of your day.

It might not happen right away, but falling in love with the scripture is a rewarding journey!

Every moment I can devote my thoughts, my actions to God and show my earnest attachment to Him by following His lead for my day.

The question is still in the how

How can I make daily Bible study a part of my busy day?

When life refuses to stop around me, how can I devote my thoughts and actions to Him? When I don’t have time to stop, can I show my devotion in the midst of the busyness around me?

Here are some simple, realistic ways of doing your devotions every day, no matter how busy you are or how full your day may be.

1. Biblegateway – you can have your Bible on your phone or your tablet and take it with you everywhere. When you have a free minute, read something. Even one verse. Something to chew on and think about during your day. You can even have the app read God’s Word out loud to you while you fold clothes or give the kids bed time baths. The bonus of that is that everyone hears it!

2. Verse Cards in your purse or laptop bag. If you are going through something big, take the time to grab a few verses about that topic, write them down and stick them in your purse. When you are waiting in line at the post office or you are sitting in the pick up line at school, pull them out!

3. Listen to faith filled music. Whether it is a favorite album on your iPod or your local Christian station, finding music that focuses on God will give you scripture, inspiration, encouragement, challenges and solid guides for your day. Music is a great way to spend time with Jesus in the car or while you are rushing around cooking dinner. Let the words soak in, pray the lyrics while you sing or grab a piece of paper and write down a phrase that particularly jumps at you. Set up a youtube playlist to play while you work at home. Let music fill your home and your heart.

4. Find sermons or Christian speakers and podcasts to listen to on the go. Such a great, convenient way to be filled up with God’s Word during your day or your workout! Podcast apps, church websites… so many amazing places to find solid, Biblical teaching.

5. Pray continually. Small phrases, giving thanks, asking Him into your moments, your events, your days… that is true devotion.

You do not need a set of 100 markers, 2 leather journals, beautiful stickers and an art degree to have devotions or daily Bible study and time with Jesus.

He just wants YOU.

What are some things that you do during the busy times to keep a simple, consistent devotional time? What is your devotion for today?

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